About the Artist
San Diego based Visual Artist. I work in the mediums of acrylic paints, oil paints, and graphite pencil drawings. My subject matter includes but is not limited to human portraits, human anatomy, plants, animals, landscapes, ocean, deep rooted earth, and the ethereal. Natural art through the eyes of humans, human art through the eyes of nature.
My art often melds human anatomy with the natural world. I don’t see a distinction between nature and the entirety of the cosmos and human beings. I believe the same spirit that flows through the rivers and mountains beats in our blood and our bones. The same microbial kin that makes up the forest cycles through to compose our bodies. My art reflects this and simultaneously it is simple beautiful and refreshing.
The human experience of highs and lows is a beautiful teacher when we let go into equanimity. A balance between chaos and calm between joy and sorrow may be found in my art. A perspective that lends itself to embracing all the contrasting journeys of life is one that can bring us into an appreciation for life and its miraculous unfolding. I find surrendering to this unfolding can bring one into gratuity, presence and true love for ourselves. I believe incredible healing can be achieved in finding ourselves and love for ourselves. In love for ourselves we become open to love for others, the illusions of separation disappear and once again we belong to everything by simply listening.
These are thoughts and beliefs that breathe deeply in my core. My art is the visual manifestation of what I feel in my heart to be true. Once a piece is concluded it takes on new meaning in the eyes and the lives of the viewers.
I welcome the viewer, their own meaning, and their own insights. I am a creator transmuting what comes down to me. Every individual will glean their own unique beautiful journey within the sustenance I have expressed on the canvas.
The conception of the creation is the most personal part. When the work of art is finished it is beautiful, like the birth of a child. Then it becomes its own, it flourishes how it sees fit and how the world may receive it.
The intimacy with the muse in its moments of creation is passionate love, flying and fleeting ecstasy surrendered to.
When the piece is finished, the artist lets go. Like a parent must let go of their child and let them be in the world.